Monday, June 7, 2010

Katie's first swimming lesson

My parents have a pool, and this was inevitable. I tried to teach Katie how to swim at the end of last summer to no avail. She is just too stubborn to learn from her mommy. So, after much consideration, we paid the City of Arlington to teach her. We were so fortunate. She had the best instructor, Sam (about a 17-year-old girl) who taught 4 girls 3-4 years old.

Katie was a superstar. After the first class we saw massive improvement. After 2 weeks, we no longer had a child afraid of water, but a true fish. Now, I can't get her out of the water. No more floaties, no more fear....just swimming, which is good. Now, Katie can teach her sister when she gets here. She learned how to push off the wall and glide, swim distances with her face submerged, stroke and kick simultaneously, back float and roll over to front float. She loves going underwater now. Oh, and they had to retrieve toys that had sunk to the bottom of the 4-foot deep area. Dave is thinking Olympics, but I'm personally glad that she has more confidence in the pool now.

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