Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Every night I read books to Katie before bedtime. Last night, we took Mackenzie with us, and I think she really enjoyed it. We had just put her in her new pajamas, and she was super smiley. I, of course, used that opportunity to run and get the camera. I've been troubled by a family that had a tragedy lately, and I guess you could say that I hug my kids a little tighter, and thank God every day for my blessings. I love my girls!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Proud Big Sis

People warned us that Katie would be so jealous when Kenzie got here. I told them that I didn't really think it would happen. It's been 5 weeks, and Katie couldn't love her sister any more than she does. We are so blessed that Katie is such an understanding child. On nights when Dave and I got little to no sleep, Katie let us sleep in. She just wanted cartoons and chocolate Cheerios, and she was good to go. She helps change diapers and pick out her outfits. She loves holding her on the couch. She kisses her every chance she gets, and she thanks Jesus every day for her little sister. I am so thankful every day for my 2 girls.

Twins? Part 1

Well, as time has passed everyone says that Mackenzie looks like Dave and Katie looks like me. So, I thought I would show people just how similar the girls looked shortly after birth. Most people also didn't believe me when I said that Katie looked like Dave at birth. So, here it goes.
Katie 7-27-06, moments after birth
Mackenzie 8-24-10, moments after birth
We took lots of photos at the hospital, but my next favorite is when we took the girl's growth photos. Both girls were born at the end of the month. So, we take their photo on the first of each month with a stuffed animal to show growth. Katie's photo was taken with a giraffe, and her first photo was taken at 4 days old.
Katie 8-1-06
Kenzie's photo was taken at 8 days old.
Kenzie 9-1-10
Time will only tell what Kenzie will look like. I would love if she looked like Katie. I'm biased. I think my daughters are cute.

Hysterical Musings of a 4-year-old

I've enjoyed Katie's company during my maternity leave. Most of the time, she keeps me calm and entertained. She is full of hysterical stories and theories. I'm going to post some of our latest conversations that I've found the most funny.
Conversation #1:
(Scene: I am trying to feed Mackenzie her bottle. Kenzie keeps shaking her head getting milk all over her face and spitting it out at me.)
Katie: Mommy, she doesn't want that.
Me: Oh really, how do you know?
Katie: I just know. Give her your boob.

Conversation #2:
Scene: Driving past the Ft Worth drying beds right after it rained
Katie: Hey, do you smell that?
Me: Yeah, what do you smell? ( I expect her to say poop.)
Katie: Um, it smells like breastmilk. (I have no idea where this answer came from.)

Conversation #3:
Scene: In the kitchen making dinner. Dave comes home, and I'm trying to get him to notice that I'm finally wearing regular clothes (not maternity)
Me: Hey Dave, do you notice anything different?
Dave: Umm...(thinking)
Katie: Yeah, Papa has boobs.

Conversation #4:
Scene: Family is sitting at dinner table and we are discussing show-and-tell this week. Katie has to bring something for the letter E.
Katie: What could I bring?
Me: You could bring your favorite princess' husband.
Katie: I could bring Prince Eric.
Me: Yup.
Katie: Prince Eric (the imaginary one) is in my room taking a nap. He's sleeping in my bed. He's sick.
Dave: Oh really? Where will he sleep when it's time for you to go to bed?
Katie: He's going to sleep with me. Don't worry, he won't cough on me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

1 month

I took Kenzie for her 1 month check-up. Evidently I make and maintain big babies. Kenzie was 9 lbs 13 oz, which was 2 pounds up from her birth weight. It didn't help that her weight was in the 75 percentile but her height was in the 25 percentile. Evidently, she's short and fat...who knew? I love the fat rolls. I got the checklist of do's and don'ts, which was a quick review. Then, she got a shot...she was not happy. In fact, it seems she enjoys shots about as much as she enjoys baths.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Poor Pug!

Every one that knows me knows that I call Pugsley my oldest child. We adopted Pugsley on the one-month anniversary after we got married. He was a total spaz of a puppy, but we fell instantly in love. The family we adopted him from didn't want him anymore. Last Saturday, I noticed a tiny red mark on his eyeball. It only got worse. Wednesday I took him to the vet. They said that it looked like an ulcer, but I needed to go see a veterinary opthamologist (I didn't even know those existed.) I took him the next day, and yes, he has a corneal ulcer. The ulcer has penetrated his entire cornea. We are treating it with 6 antibiotics. If they don't cure it, they will do surgery, which I really don't want. Here is an up-close shot of his eye.
The red outer circle is his eye's way of protecting the ulcer. The ulcer is the tiny mark to the left of the giant red mark in the circle. I need to take another pic. His eyes are looking better, but the ulcer isn't gone. We go back in a week for a re-check.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Katie's first rollerskating adventure

We headed to the Arlington Skatium for Juli's birthday party. Katie was so excited about skating. We got there, and she put the skates on immediately. We got all the way to the rink. The minute she set the skates on the rink, she fell down. She panicked, started getting hysterical, and told me to take the skates off. Thankfully, her friend, Keira was there. Both girls ran around the outer part of the private rink for almost 2 hours. Five minutes before the party ended, everyone went in the middle of the rink for the Hokey Pokey. Katie and Keira both wanted to put their skates back on and return to the rink. We barely made it onto the rink as they said it was time to go. I had just enough time to snap this shot. It all went downhill from there because Katie didn't want to leave.