Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Little comedienne

Katie always says the funniest things. No lie, sometimes the things she says border on inappropriate, but I love that she is hilarious. (She probably gets that from me.) The other night we were eating Tyson's Tequila and Lime chicken wings, Katie's favorite. She calls them "chicken and bones." It's pretty quiet at the table. Kenzie is sitting in her bumbo on the table as the centerpiece. All of a sudden, Katie looks at Dave with a dead serious look and says, "You're just like your mother." He says, "How so?" She replies with, "You always lick your fingers when you eat." I almost lost it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Chrismas Day

Christmas Day is pretty hectic for us. We start the day at our house opening the gifts under the tree. After everything settles down, I make a light breakfast. Then, we get ready to go to Dave's Grandparent's house. We usually get there between 12 and 1. We eat there around 1:30 or 2. Then, we open gifts there. After that, we head to my parent's house around 4:30 or 5 and open gifts there. Then we eat dinner at my parent's around 7....I know it's crazy. But, it's a time with family. Plus, I always have plenty of time to recover (like a week), Dave isn't always so lucky. As the girls get older, it will get easier. It's always difficult with a baby.
Kenzie and her great-grandpa
This picture baffles me. Grandpa Bob didn't used to be a baby hog. He was almost afraid to hold Katie, but he won't let anyone touch Kenzie if has anything to say about it. Check out her hair. :)
Once again, the sis pic
annual family pic
Kenzie spends most of her time at my parent's house in the swing. Katie used to stockpile Cheerios in that little toucan's head.

"Are there any Cheerios in there?"
The annual family photo

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the Night Before

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there.
All the presents were wrapped under the tree.

Santa's cookies and chocolate milk were ready...I mean gone.

Christmas #1 (at Pat's)

Sis pic
Kenzie and Grandma (love the hair)

I personally am beginning to wonder why there is always crappy weather on Christmas Eve. Last year was the torrential snowstorm, and I thought we were going to get stranded in Weatherford. This year, it was like 20 degrees warmer, but it rained most of the day. Katie loves going to Grandma's to play with the kids. Of course, the presents were a bonus. She's at the age where it's all about the presents. Last year, she loved the thought, but she still didn't really understand. This year, she felt like she truly understood the meaning of Christmas for kids, gifts. Katie was a little disappointed that not everyone was there ready to play with her when we arrived. We ate delicious tacos around 3:30, and then it was time for presents around 4:30...Katie's favorite part. It's kinda crazy at Pat's. All 11 grandkids find a spot near the tree and wait while 2 kids pass out all of the presents. Then, mass hysteria ensues while all the kids rip into their gifts simultaneously as tissue paper and gift wrap flutter to the floor so much faster than it should. I was watching Katie like a hawk and had my camera ready. Then, the moment approached. She had a giant present in front of her, I knew this was the one. I heard a high-pitched scream and, "Aaaah, my walking puppy." Here is what I got.
Kenzie wasn't much into Christmas, as I expected. Katie enjoyed opening Kenzie's gifts almost as much as she enjoyed opening her own. She also enjoyed playing with Kenzie's as much as playing with her own, as shown here.
All good times come to an end. Katie started to get cranky, and we had to head home and get ready for Santa. We really did have a great time though.

Cookies for Santa

Last year, Katie and I made cookies for Santa. I've decided that I want to make this a tradition. I'm pretty sure that Santa probably gets tired of sugar cookies, so we made cake cookies. You use cake mix and you make cookies. You can frost them, and they are a bit more "fluffy" than regular cookies. Decorating, of course, is Katie's favorite part. She eventually gets bossy and tells me how to decorate them. We decorated about a dozen, and then it was time to go to Grandma's for Christmas with her.

All of the masterpieces

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rice Cereal

Kenzie is now almost 4 months. I figured that since I'm home, I might as well try rice cereal. I have lots of time. So, we did. No lie, she looks pretty happy in the picture, but she wasn't a huge fan. I can't really blame her. This was day 2 with a spoon. Day 1 was in a bottle. Day 3 was a huge disaster. That stuff got everywhere. We'll keep trying. In a few days, I'm going to the doc for a check-up for Kenzie. I'll talk to him about it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Not another one

Everyone knows that lots of bbies are self-soothers. Both of my daughters hated "pacies." They both eventually found their thumbs, and that's how they fall asleep. However, Kenzie prefers her right thumb, and Katie favors her left. I know each kid is an individual, but I thought that fact was interesting. The one downside to thumbsucking is that you can take "pacies" away, but you can't take a thumb away.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rollover Beethoven...or Kenzie

I put Kenzie right by the Christmas tree so that she could look at the lights. She is always mesmerized by lights. So, I put her there. Not to long after that, she fell asleep. She fell asleep for about an hour. When I came back because she was making sounds, she had rolled over and was on her tummy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dec.1st photo

We always take the baby's pictures on the first of the month. Usually I post the girl's photos side-by-side so that you can see how much they look alike. I know, I know, Kenzie looks like Dave. I got it. Katie did at birth too. Around her 5th or 6th month, Katie started to create her own look. Now, she resembles me more, but she still looks like Katie to me. I thought it would only be fair to post this picture of Kenzie as Kenzie. That's who she is even if she does look like a Dave mini-me.